DOE adoption of BLM EIS for Ten West Link Transmission Line Project as DOE/EIS-0536.
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
August 31, 2022Ten West Link Transmission Line Project; Maricopa and La Paz Counties, Arizona, and Riverside County, California
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), as the lead agency, issued a final EIS that evaluated the potential environmental impacts of constructing, operating, maintaining, and decommissioning the proposed Ten West Link Transmission Line Project, a 500-kilovolt electric transmission line and associated infrastructure that would run from the Delaney Substation near Tonopah, Arizona, to the Colorado River Substation near Blythe, California.
DOE was a cooperating agency in preparing the EIS and has decided to adopt it.
For more information, see Ten West Link Transmission Line Project.