DOE/EIS-0498-S1: Amended Record of Decision

Record of Decision based on analysis of increasing the production capacity for the Magnolia LNG Project in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

April 27, 2022
minute read time

Magnolia LNG Production Capacity Amendment

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a final supplemental EIS that evaluates the potential environmental impacts of a proposal to increase the production capacity for the Magnolia LNG Project in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. Magnolia LNG requested authorization to increase capacity from the 8 million tons per annum (MTPA) previously authorized by FERC to 8.8 MTPA.

Based on the EIS, which DOE adopted as DOE/EIS-0498, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management issued a final opinion and order granting long-term authorization to export liquefied natural gas to non-Free-Trade Agreement nations. Appendix B of the Order is DOE’s NEPA amended record of decision.

For more information, see Magnolia LNG Production Capacity Amendment.