Analyzes impacts of the proposed Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Northeast Reliability Interconnect.
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
November 3, 2004Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Northeast Reliability Interconnect; Hancock, Penobscot, and Washington Counties, Maine
DOE announced its intent to prepare DOE/EIS–0372 to analyze the potential environmental impacts of a proposal to amend Presidential Permit PP-89 for the Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Northeast Reliability Interconnect, an electric transmission line that would originate at an existing Orrington Substation, near Orrington, Maine, cross the U.S.-Canada border near Baileyville, Maine, and continue into New Brunswick, Canada. The amendment would change a previously selected route.
For more information, see Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Northeast Reliability Interconnect.