NNSA proposal to prepare up to 7.1 MT of non-pit plutonium for disposition at WIPP
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
August 28, 2020Disposition of Additional Non-Pit Surplus Plutonium
This supplement analysis (DOE/EIS-0283-SA-04) analyzes DOE/NNSA's proposal to prepare additional non-pit plutonium for disposition at WIPP as CH-TRU waste using the WIPP Disposal Alternative. This non-pit plutonium, up to 7.1 MT, is included in the 34 MT of surplus plutonium DOE/NNSA previously decided to fabricate into MOX fuel (68 FR 20134). DOE/NNSA would process this non-pit plutonium to a suitable oxide form, if necessary, at either Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) or Savanah River Site (SRS), then downblend it with an adulterant material at SRS in preparation for transport and disposal as CH-TRU waste at WIPP.
For more information, see Surplus Plutonium Disposition EIS (DOE/EIS-0283).