DOE/EIS-0161: Consolidated Record of Decision (May 1999)

Consolidated ROD (May 1999), including for DOE/EIS-0161, Tritium Supply and Recycling.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

May 14, 1995
minute read time

Tritium Supply and Recycling

On May 14, 1999, DOE published a consolidated record of decision (ROD) based on DOE/EIS-0161, Tritium Supply and Recycling, and the EISs tiered from it: DOE/EIS-0270, Accelerator Production of Tritium at the Savannah River Site; DOE/EIS-0271, Tritium Extraction Facility at Savannah River Site; and DOE/EIS-0288, Production of Tritium in a Commercial Light Water Reactor.

The consolidated ROD selected the commercial light water reactor alternative as the primary tritium supply and announced three tiered decisions that, taken together, comprised DOE’s plans for establishing a new domestic source of tritium to support the nuclear weapons stockpile.

For more information, see Tritium Supply and Recycling.