Draft Site-Wide Environmental Assessment (SWEA) of the Kansas City National Security Campus, New Mexico Operations (KCNSC NMO) (DOE/EA-2231)
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
October 27, 2023Site-Wide Environmental Assessment (SWEA) of the Kansas City National Security Campus, New Mexico Operations
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), as lead agency has prepared this Draft Site-Wide Environmental Assessment (Draft SWEA) to evaluate the proposed continued operation and potential expansion of operations at the Kansas City National Security Campus New Mexico Operations (KCNSC NMO) (DOE/EA-2231). NNSA conducts operations at the KCNSC NMO, including specific properties on Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB), to support the security, development, and manufacture of the non-nuclear components of nuclear weapons. KCNSC NMO operates 7 facilities including 3 on KAFB, in the city of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. NNSA has prepared the Draft SWEA to assess the effects on the human and natural environment of its proposed continued operation and potential expansion of operations at KCNSC NMO facilities; to provide the flexibility to expand, reconfigure and/or move select operations within KCNSC NMO; and to evaluate the potential expansion of additional facilities to incrementally expand its manufacturing capacity and office space necessary to sustain continued production growth indicated by National requirements.
For more information, see Site-Wide Environmental Assessment (SWEA) of the Kansas City National Security Campus, New Mexico Operations.