DOE/EA-2217: Finding of No Significant Impact

FONSI for the TerraPower, LLC’s Test and Fill Facility Project (DOE/EA-2217) in Wyoming.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

May 16, 2024
minute read time

TerraPower, LLC’s Test and Fill Facility Project; Lincoln County, WY

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued this Finding of No Significant Impact based on the findings of the Final EA regarding environmental impacts of a proposal, (the TerraPower Test and Fill Facility (TFF)) that consists of the design and construction of the TFF which would be used to test components to use in the Natrium plant and future units. The TFF will also be used to transfer sodium to the Natrium plant for the initial fill.

For more information, see TerraPower, LLC’s Test and Fill Facility Project.