DOE/EA-2165: Draft Environmental Assessment

Draft EA for Final Rule, 10 CFR Part 433, “Energy Efficiency Standards for New Federal Commercial and Multi-Family High-Rise Residential Buildings’ Baseline Standards Update”

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

September 8, 2021
minute read time

This EA evaluates the potential environmental impacts of DOE’s Proposed Action to update, by rule, energy efficiency standards for new Federal commercial and high rise residential buildings. The Proposed Action would update the baseline Federal energy efficiency performance standards, found in 10 CFR 433, to the latest current model industry code, based on a finding that it is cost-effective and saves energy compared to the previous version of the model industry code, as required by 42 U.S.C. 6831 et seq. In this EA, DOE also evaluates the impacts that could occur if DOE were not to adopt the latest current model industry code as the energy efficiency baseline standard for new Federal commercial and high rise residential buildings (the No Action Alternative).