FONSI for DOE/EA-2149, Dave Johnston Tap to Sidney Substation Transmission Line Reconductor Project.
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
December 17, 2020Dave Johnston Tap to Sidney Substation Transmission Line Reconductor Project; Wyoming and Nebraska
Based on Dave Johnston Tap to Sidney Substation Transmission Line Reconductor Project (DOE/EA-2149), Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) issued a finding of no significant impact for the proposed reconductoring of 210 miles of existing transmission line starting from the Dave Johnston Tap in Converse County, Wyoming, east of Casper, Wyoming, running through Platte and Goshen Counties, Wyoming, and Scotts Bluff, Morrill, and Cheyenne Counties, Nebraska, and ending at the Sidney Substation near the town of Sidney, Nebraska.
For more information, see Dave Johnston Tap to Sidney Substation Transmission Line Reconductor Project.