DOE/EA-2115: Notice of Publication and Public Comment Period

Notice of publication/comment period of draft EA for DWPF wastewater disposal outside of SC; 30-day public comment period ends Jan. 9, 2020.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

December 10, 2019
minute read time

Commercial Disposal of Defense Waste Processing Facility Recycle Wastewater from the Savannah River Site; Aiken and Barnwell Counties, South Carolina

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announces the availability of its Draft Environmental Assessment for the Commercial Disposal of Defense Waste Processing Facility Recycle Wastewater from the Savannah River Site (Draft SRS DWPF Recycle Wastewater EA; DOE/EA-2115) and a 30-day public comment period.

For more information, see Commercial Disposal of Defense Waste Processing Facility Recycle Wastewater from the Savannah River Site.