DOE/EA-2111: Finding of No Significant Impact

FONSI for the expansion of LNG liquefaction and storage capacity at the Corpus Christi Liquefaction Project (DOE/EA-2111).

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

February 3, 2020
minute read time

Corpus Christi LNG Stage 3; San Patricio County, Texas

DOE is adopting the FERC EA. Based on the FERC EA, the Addendum, and the FERC Order, DOE has determined that granting the non-FTA portion of CCL Stage III's Application to export LNG from the Stage 3 Project for a term of 20 years, subject to the environmental conditions adopted in the FERC Order, will not have a significant effect on the human environment. 

For more information, see Corpus Christi LNG Stage 3.