DOE/EA-1762: Finding of No Significant Impact

FONSI for a landfill gas collection and pipeline system to recover waste energy (methane) at the Wellford Landfill in Spartanburg County, SC.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

September 30, 2010
minute read time

Wellford Landfill Methane and Greenhouse Gas to Energy Project; Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Based on DOE/EA-1762, DOE issued a finding of no significant impact for awarding a federal grant to Spartanburg County to facilitate the construction and operation of a landfill gas collection and pipeline system to recover waste energy (methane) at the Wellford Landfill in Spartanburg County, South Carolina.

For more information, see Wellford Landfill Methane and Greenhouse Gas to Energy Project.