DOE/EA-1322: Finding of No Significant Impact

The Finding of No Significant Impact for the Highly Enriched Uranium Blend-Down facilities at the Savannah River Site (DOE/EA-1322).

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

November 3, 2000
minute read time

Highly Enriched Uranium Blend-Down Facilities at the Savannah River Site

Based on the Environmental Assessment, DOE issued this Finding of No Significant Impact for the proposed action which will include the construction and operation of a low enriched uranium (LEU) loading station and modifications to the existing highly enriched uranium (HEU) blend-down facilities, SRS Central Analytical Laboratory (CLAB), and K-Area facilities at SRS.

For more information, see Highly Enriched Uranium Blend-Down Facilities at the Savannah River Site.