CX-270752: Epcilon LNG, LLC, FE Docket No. 20-31-LNG

Epcilon LNG LLC (Epcilon) filed an application (Application) with the Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA) on March 23, 2020. Epcilon states that it is submitting the Application in connection with the development of the AMIGO LNG production and storage facility (the LNG Facility) to be located on the Gulf of California in the State of Sonora, Mexico, and owned and operated by its affiliate, AMIGO LNG S.A. In the Application, Epcilon requests long-term, multi-contract authorization to export domestically produced natural gas by pipeline from the United States to Mexico and, after liquefaction in Mexico, to deliver and consume a portion of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Mexico and to re-export the LNG to other countries.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

December 3, 2020
minute read time