CX-101641: Advanced Silicon Carbide Wafer Manufacturing for Low Cost, High Efficiency Power Electronics in Solar Applications

Award Number: DE-EE0009016, CX(s) Applied: A9, B3.6, Solar Energy Technologies Office, Location(s): CA, Office(s): Golden Field Office

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

December 19, 2019
minute read time

Award Number: DE-EE0009016
CX(s) Applied: A9, B3.6
Solar Energy Technologies Office
Location(s): CA
Office(s): Golden Field Office

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing to provide federal funding to Halo Industries to develop a novel laser-based manufacturing process for the fabrication of silicon carbide wafers from silicon carbide ingots. The process would be developed to lower costs and increase throughput as compared to current technologies (e.g. wire saw manufacturing). An existing, early-stage prototype device would be developed further and used to demonstrate the viability of the technology and to assess the quality of the resulting wafers.