Port Lions Community Energy Efficiency Project Award Number: DE-EE0007856 CX(s) Applied: A9, A11, B5.1 Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Date: 2/2/2017 Location(s): AK Office(s): Golden Field Office
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
February 7, 2017Port Lions Community Energy Efficiency Project
Award Number: DE-EE0007851
CX(s) Applied: A9, A11, B5.1
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Date: 2/2/2017
Location(s): AK
Office(s): Golden Field Office
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing to provide funding to the City of Port Lions for the implementation of the Port Lions Community Energy Efficiency Project. Funding would support project preparation, implementation of energy efficiency measures, implementation of a community outreach program, and project monitoring. Energy efficiency and retrofitting activities planned as part of the Port Lions Community Energy Efficiency Project include energy efficiency measures such as interior and exterior lighting conversions to light-emitting diode (LED) lighting; replacing lighting fixtures with LED fixtures; installing ceiling and switch mounted occupancy sensors; replacing old freezers with energy star freezers; replacing windows; designing and implementing heating and ventilation upgrades to work with the existing heating source; air sealing; and installing insulation. Buildings where this work would occur include the school building, Tribal building, health clinic, water plant, library/community hall/city office, fire building, city shop, harbor building, ferry dock and fuel depot.
DOE has reviewed each of the proposed activities and the associated locations where those activities would occur. Project activities would require little or no modifications to the buildings or locations involved. No ground disturbing activities are required as part of the project. There would be no change in the use, mission, or operations of existing facilities. No new permits are required for any of the activities. The project does involved the handling of fluorescent light bulbs, fixtures with ballasts, and insulation. Any hazardous waste would be handled and disposed of by the local environmental department and all safety precautions would be adhered to while handling these materials. Waste associated with the proposed activities would be disposed of appropriately in the Port Lions landfill, the Kodiak landfill, or a recycling facility. Both landfills are active and currently permitted with the State of Alaska. Based on the locations, types, scope, and scale of the proposed activities, DOE does not anticipate impacts to integral elements/resources of concern as a result of project activities