CX-020855: Data Acquisition and Installation of a Permeable Reactive Barrier in P-Area

A subcontractor will design and construct a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) in the subsurface to intersect volatile organic compound (VOC) contami…

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

September 11, 2019
minute read time

A subcontractor will design and construct a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) in the subsurface to intersect volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination within the P-Area groundwater plumes.  The PRB will extend from approximately 35 ft below land surface (bls) to 150 ft bls and will be approximately 4 inches thick.  The reactive material will be zero valent iron.  The length of the PRB will be approximately 150 ft long and will be located in an area just outside of the former P-Reactor fence line on the northeast side of the 105-P.  Prior to design and installation of the PRB, the subcontractor will be installing 8 monitoring wells and 4 soil borings to collect the necessary data for the design.  The monitoring wells will be used to perform hydraulic pulse interference testing (HPIT) to confirm hydraulic conductivity values.  The HPIT are relatively short duration tests that involve the injection of less than 10 gallons of potable water.  The PRB will be injected at 15 conventionally drilled wells along the PRB alignment using an azimuth controlled vertical inclusion technology.