CX-020789: Irradiation Studies on Electron Beam Welded OM-HIP Pressure Vessel Steel – Purdue University

Purdue University proposes to assess the structural and mechanical integrity of electron beam (EB) weldments on powder metallurgy with hot isostati…

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

July 29, 2019
minute read time

Purdue University proposes to assess the structural and mechanical integrity of electron beam (EB) weldments on powder metallurgy with hot isostatic pressing (PM-HIP) manufactured pressure vessel steel under service-relevant irradiation conditions. The objective of the proposed research is to qualify the combination of EB welding and PM-HIP technologies for pressure vessel construction by comparing EB-welded PM-HIP materials to conventional forged components. The experiments will use existing equipment at partner locations (INL and Westinghouse) to irradiate the samples and evaluate material properties.