BPA proposes to perform replacement of the third wood pole structure and associated structural/electrical components (e.g. cross arms, insulators, …
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
July 23, 2019BPA proposes to perform replacement of the third wood pole structure and associated structural/electrical components (e.g. cross arms, insulators, guy anchors, etc.) in line mile 16 of the Salem-Grand Ronde line in order to remediate an impairment. At this location, the distance from the conductor to the ground surface is inadequate, per National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) standards, resulting in a threat to line reliability and posing a risk to public health and safety. Replacement poles would be placed in existing holes following removal of current pole structures. The holes may be re-augered to assure proper depth placement. Replacement poles would be five to ten feet taller than the existing poles, which would raise the elevation of the line and increase the clearance between the ground and transmission line, remediating the impairment.