Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is proposing to upgrade equipment at Longview Substation, the Longview Annex, and Allston Substation. The wor…
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
June 27, 2019Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is proposing to upgrade equipment at Longview Substation, the Longview Annex, and Allston Substation. The work at Longview Substation would include replacing main bus PCB-containing potential transformers, risers, and rod gaps. The work at the Longview Substation Annex would include replacing a disconnect switch, risers, rod gaps, and main bus PCB-containing potential transformers. This work would generate approximately 100 cubic yards of excess soil and approximately 25 cubic yards of concrete which would be disposed of off-site at an approved location. The work at Allston Substation would include adding an auxiliary bus sectionalizing disconnect, replacing main bus potential transformers, and replacing risers and rod gaps in a 230-kV bay. This work would generate approximately 55 cubic yards of excess soil and approximately 20 cubic yards of concrete which would need to be disposed of off-site at an approved location. All of the electrical upgrade work and ground disturbance would be conducted within the existing substation fence. The proposed upgrades are necessary to maintain safe and reliable transmission infrastructure.