Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) proposes to allow Avista to construct a communications facility on land that is under Federal jurisdiction. A…
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
July 5, 2019Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) proposes to allow Avista to construct a communications facility on land that is under Federal jurisdiction. Avista would build a new 60-foot-tall communications tower, which would have several microwave dishes attached to it. The new 60-foot by 60-foot fenced facility would contain the tower, a 10-foot by 26-foot equipment building and a 1,000-gallon propane tank. A trench approximately 3-feet-deep by 3-feet-wide by 170-feet-long, would be excavated to connect fiber cable from Avista’s new equipment building to BPA’s Kennewick Radio equipment building, just west of Avista’s proposed location.