Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), Sierra Nevada Region (SNR), is responsible for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of federally owned and…
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
April 30, 2019Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), Sierra Nevada Region (SNR), is responsible for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of federally owned and operated transmission lines throughout California. WAPA must inspect its lines and towers on a recurring basis to comply with the National Electric Safety Code, Western States Coordinating Council and WAPA directives for protecting human safety and maintaining the reliable operation of the transmission system.
Due to access issues experienced during the Carr Fire, WAPA proposes to acquire rights for emergency and occasional use from the southeast side of the Keswick Substation on an existing access road that goes to Keswick Dam Road. WAPA also proposes to conduct road repairs on this road in order to make entrance and egress onto Keswick Dam Road safer. This existing road is approximately 16 feet wide and about 13 feet long and crosses Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and private land. Road repair would consist of removal of an oak tree that is currently blocking visibility of Keswick Dam Road, grading/blading approximately 0.01 acres at the location of the oak tree, and the addition of small rock/gravel to this graded area. The repairs would occur during the summer of 2019.