Categorical Exclusion Determination
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
January 24, 2019The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control has approved the Miscellaneous Chemical Basin In-Situ Airlift Recirculation Wells (MIS-001 to MIS-011) for dismantlement and removal. Above ground instrumentation, equipment, piping, piping/instrumentation racks, bollards, and chains should be dismantled and removed. Well internal piping including air lines to the packer, aerators, and air lift pump should also be removed. All conduit and cable openings on all wells should be filled with grout. It is anticipated that blind flanges and pipe plugs will be used on all well heads. Items dismantled will be made available to the Community Reuse Organization. Upon approval by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, wells MIS-001 through MIS-008 shall be abandoned in-place, grouted to the surface, and all surface infrastructure will be cut flush to the concrete pad.