CX-019279: Glen Canyon Substation Drainage Improvement, Driveway Resurfacing, and Waterline Replacement Project

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

December 20, 2018
minute read time

Western Area Power Administration proposes to replace two culverts to control stormwater flow, resurface the existing 725-ft long paved access road, repair an existing low water crossing, remove an unused cattle guard, and replace a 450-ft-long section of 2-in-diameter waterline at the Glen Canyon Substation.  The substation occurs within portions of Sections 24 & 25 in Township 41 North, Range 8 East on the Gila and Salt River Baseline and Meridian. This work is needed to maintain the reliability and safety of the bulk electric system. Two years ago, storm-water runoff clogged and over-topped the existing culverts and headwalls, exposed a buried waterline, and deposited sediment onto the access road and State Route 89.

CX-019279.pdf (176.71 KB)