Categorical Exclusion Determination
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
December 20, 2018Western Area Power Administration proposes to replace two culverts to control stormwater flow, resurface the existing 725-ft long paved access road, repair an existing low water crossing, remove an unused cattle guard, and replace a 450-ft-long section of 2-in-diameter waterline at the Glen Canyon Substation. The substation occurs within portions of Sections 24 & 25 in Township 41 North, Range 8 East on the Gila and Salt River Baseline and Meridian. This work is needed to maintain the reliability and safety of the bulk electric system. Two years ago, storm-water runoff clogged and over-topped the existing culverts and headwalls, exposed a buried waterline, and deposited sediment onto the access road and State Route 89.