Categorical Exclusion Determination
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
December 14, 2018Bonneville Power Administration proposes to repair and improve approximately 3.4 miles of access road along the Green Peter-Lebanon No. 1 transmission line from structure 1/5 to 12/3. Proposed road work would include; blading, shaping, grading, brushing, mowing, and placing surface rock on new and existing road prisms to ensure safe access to structures. In addition, the proposed road work would include: the construction of 5 tower landings covering approximately 0.27 acres in total, the replacement of 3 cross-drain culverts, and installation of drainage features such as water bars and drain dips. General equipment used for this type of road maintenance includes: graders, rollers, bulldozers, brush hogs, excavators, and dump trucks.