CX-019261: Green Peter-Lebanon No. 1 Line Access Road Maintenance Project from 1/5 to 12/3, Redmond District

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

December 14, 2018
minute read time

Bonneville Power Administration proposes to repair and improve approximately 3.4 miles of access road along the Green Peter-Lebanon No. 1 transmission line from structure 1/5 to 12/3. Proposed road work would include; blading, shaping, grading, brushing, mowing, and placing surface rock on new and existing road prisms to ensure safe access to structures. In addition, the proposed road work would include: the construction of 5 tower landings covering approximately 0.27 acres in total, the replacement of 3 cross-drain culverts, and installation of drainage features such as water bars and drain dips. General equipment used for this type of road maintenance includes: graders, rollers, bulldozers, brush hogs, excavators, and dump trucks.