Categorical Exclusion Determination
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
October 25, 2018Idaho National Laboratory analyzed the environmental impacts from implementing activities in CRADA 11-CR-13 for the Joint Fuel Cycle Studies program in environmental checklist INL-14-044. This revision to environmental checklist INL-14-044 clarifies project scope and proposed utilization of used commercial nuclear fuel. Idaho National Laboratory is performing an ongoing kilogram-scale test of electrochemical recycling of used nuclear fuel, known as the Integrated Recycling Test, at the Materials and Fuel Complex to study flowsheet options and the technical and economic feasibility and nonproliferation acceptability of electrochemical recycling of commercial light water reactor fuel. The Joint Fuel Cycle Studies program includes fuel procurement, the Integrated Recycling Test, critical gap research and development, and fuel rodlet fabrication and irradiation.