CX-019015: Western Area Power Administration Right-of-Way Vegetation Reclamation and Removal Program for the Mead-Perkins 500 Kilovolt and Peacock-Liberty 345 kilovolt Transmission Lines.

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

October 11, 2018
minute read time

Western Area Power Administration plans to remove vegetation under and around the Mead-Perkins 500-kilovolt and Peacock-Liberty 345-kilovolt high voltage electrical transmission lines to meet electrical safety and reliability requirements. Western Area Power Administration's proposal consists of clearing away trees, limbs, branches, shrubs, and other foliage to include grinding, mowing, shredding, mulching, and chopping vegetation that could interfere with the Mead-Perkins 500-kilovolt and Peacock-Liberty 345-kilovolt transmission line right-of-way. Typical equipment used to remove vegetation within the right-of-way includes wheel based and track mounted vehicles with rubber tires/pads that employ rotary blades to mow at ground level, masticators, crane booms with cutting heads, manual chain saws for steep slopes, and mulcher/shredder machines. Herbicides will be applied to prevent vegetative regrowth.

CX-019015.pdf (156.91 KB)