CX-018956: L0387 Leslie Road Tap - City of Richland Benton Public Utility District Interconnection Project

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

October 1, 2018
minute read time

This Interconnection is for shifting 29.5 Mega Volt Amp of existing load and interconnecting 0.7 Mega Volt Amp of new load at the new customer substation to Bonneville Power Administration's Badger Canyon-Reata 115-kilovolt Transmission Line. In the long term (approximately 2024), the load at the new interconnection point will increase to 36.6 Mega Volt Amp. The proposed new customer substation will be jointly owned, constructed, and operated by the City of Richland and Benton PUD and has a proposed energization date of December 2018. The plan of service for Bonneville Power Administration calls for constructing a Loop-in near structure 1/10 of the Badger Canyon-Reata 115-kilovolt line for service to the new customer substation. A new point of delivery revenue meter will be required for each new line at the new
customer substation and the new meters will require a cellular or Public Switch Telephone Network connection.

CX-018956.pdf (329.77 KB)