CX-018793: Applegate Butte Radio Site Access Road Maintenance

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

August 22, 2018
minute read time

Bonneville Power Administration proposes to perform routine road maintenance, repair and improvements on the Applegate Butte Radio Site Access Road. Bonneville Power Administration is proposing to maintain the dirt/gravel road (Road NF-220) within its existing access right-of-way along its entire 2.5 mile (13,300 feet) length from Road NF-4518 to the terminus atop Applegate Butte. This work is proposed within the existing roadway prism and traverses U.S. Forest Service property within the Freemont-Winema National Forest. In addition, Bonneville Power Administration is proposing a 20-foot x 30-foot gravel landing and a 20-foot x 30-foot equipment pullout/turnaround near the top of Applegate Butte at a sharp turn in the road. Some new ground disturbance outside of the road prism would occur to the outside of this road bend.