CX-018434: Convert 15 Area Burning/Rubble Pit Wells From the Active Soil Vapor Extraction System to Microblower Baroball Soil Vapor Extraction and Convert Two Dry A-Area Groundwater Monitoring Wells to Soil Vapor Extraction Operation.

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

May 8, 2018
minute read time

The proposed action is modification of the A-Area Burning/Rubble Pits Soil Vapor Extraction System.  Active Soil Vapor Extraction wells will be converted to passive Soil Vapor Extraction (Ref   M-FCR-A-00057).  Dry A-Area groundwater monitoring wells (2) will be converted to Soil Vapor Extraction operation (Rev. M-SOW-A- 00089).  Area Burning/Rubble Pit wells (15) will be converted from the active Soil Vapor Extraction system to Microblower Baroball Soil Vapor Extraction.

CX-018434.pdf (211.26 KB)