CX-018433: M-Area Hazardous Waste Management Facility: Western Sector Advanced Oxidation Injection Activities

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

May 8, 2018
minute read time

Oxidant injection will be deployed to enhance remediation of chlorinated ethenes — tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, and daughter products — that are present in the soil and groundwater of the Western Sector of the M-Area Hazardous Waste Management Facility at the Savannah River Site.  Two chemical oxidants (i.e., potassium permanganate and sodium persulfate) will be injected into the subsurface using eight existing injection wells (i.e., WSI001B, WSI001C, WSI002B, WSI002C, WSI003B, WSI003C, WSI004B, and WSI004C).

CX-018433.pdf (211.39 KB)