Categorical Exclusion Determination
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
June 13, 2018The number of employees at the Advanced Test Rector Complex has increased and the facility needs additional office space. The proposed action leases and installs two temporary office trailers east of Test Reactor Area-1627 and Test Reactor Area-1626 (see Figure 1) as the need for additional space arises and until a permanent solution is identified (anticipated to be 3-5 years), then the trailers will be removed. The project grades and compacts the site and connects the facilities to electrical power, communications, fire alarm system, evacuation and voice paging system, potable water, and sewer. The action also removes the sidewalk to Test Reactor Area-1626 to allow access to the water and sewer lines. Project scope includes replacing the sidewalk and adding walkways and stairs to the trailers.