CX-018185: Solvent Storage Tanks - Sampling to Support Closure

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

March 8, 2018
minute read time

Solvent Storage Tanks 33 - 36 are Resource Conservation and Recovery Act-permitted storage tanks.  South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control was contacted by the Solid Waste Management Facility to inform them that the Solid Waste Management Facility will be proceeding with a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Closure of these tanks.  In support of the closure, sampling will be conducted of soil and concrete.  Some of the sampling will be deep soil sampling (at 2-foot intervals up to 15 feet deep if needed), shallow soil sampling (up to one foot deep), sump sediment sampling, and concrete slab sampling (up to two inches deep).

CX-018185.pdf (211.38 KB)