Categorical Exclusion Determination
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
April 25, 2018A more complete understanding of how aluminum clad spent nuclear fuel behaves during extended dry storage is needed to support a technical basis for the continued storage of this material. This improved understanding of aluminum clad spent nuclear fuel behavior is critical to safe, extended dry storage in current and future configurations and to provide information for future transportation, conditioning, and disposal of aluminum clad spent nuclear fuel. The Department of Energy Spent Nuclear Fuel Working Group's report, "Aluminum-Clad Spent Nuclear Fuel: Technical Consideration and Challenges for Extended (>50 Years) Dry Storage" (DOE/ID RPT-1575, June 2017) identified five knowledge gaps and technical data needs. This report also made several recommendations including one to develop an action plan to identify technical and engineering activities and analyses to address the identified knowledge gaps and technical data needs.