CX-017925: A Bidirectional, Transformerless Converter Topology for Grid-Tied Energy Storage Systems

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

November 15, 2017
minute read time

The Creating Innovative and Reliable Circuits Using Inventive Topologies and Semiconductors program seeks to accelerate the development and deployment of a new class of efficient, lightweight, and reliable power converters, based on wide-bandgap semiconductors. Innovations from Creating Innovative and Reliable Circuits Using Inventive Topologies and Semiconductors projects have the potential to make significant impacts in any number of applications where electrical power is generated or used, including the electric grid, automotive electrification, and consumer electronics. The Creating Innovative and Reliable Circuits Using Inventive Topologies and Semiconductors Program is composed of 21 small-scale research and development projects conducted by universities, non-profit entities, for-profit entities, and federal laboratories.