CX-017885: Construction and Operation of the B77A Addition at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory LB-CX-18-01

Categorical Exclusion Determination

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

April 10, 2018
minute read time

The U.S. Department of Energy proposes to construct a one-story, 1,426-gross square foot addition to Building 77A. The addition would accommodate existing and new fabricating equipment while freeing up existing space for more appropriate uses. Building 77A, the “Composites Lab and Assembly Facility,” is an over 12,000-gross square foot engineering shop dedicated to constructing and fabricating specialized parts and materials for scientific research. Building 77A is surrounded by Building 77 (Engineering Shop Building) to the north and screening tree zones to the west, south, and east. Chemical storage cabinets are maintained on a paved surface immediately southwest of Building 77A.

CX-017885.pdf (686.51 KB)