CX-014622: Excess Real Property Determination for Approximately 20 Acres of Set f-Sufficiency Parcel No. 13 (CX-ORR-16-001)

Excess Real Property Determination for Approximately 20 Acres of Self-Sufficiency Parcel

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

February 8, 2016
minute read time

Excess Real Property Determination for Approximately 20 Acres of Self-Sufficiency Parcel #13
CX(s) Applied: A9, B1.36
Date: 02/08/2016
Location(s): Tennessee
Offices(s): Oak Ridge Office

The parcel is known as Self Sufficiency Parcel #13 (approximately 20 acres of an original 214 acre tract). The approximately 20 acres of primarily forested vacant land is located on the East end of Bethel Valley Road adjacent to the west side of the Bethel Valley Industrial Park and East of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Anderson County, Tennessee.

Document(s) Available for Download

CX-014622.pdf (733.69 KB)