CX-009797: Categorical Exclusion Determination

Eni USA Gas Marketing, LLC CX(s) Applied: B5.7 Date: 02/06/2013 Location(s): Louisiana Offices(s): Office of Oil and Natural Gas

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

February 6, 2013
minute read time

Eni USA Gas Marketing, LLC 
CX(s) Applied: B5.7
Date: 02/06/2013
Location(s): Louisiana
Offices(s): Office of Oil and Natural Gas

Eni USA GAs Marketing, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, filed an application with the Office of Fossil Energy seeking authorization to export previously imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Cameron LNG Terminal in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, to any country not prohibited by U.S. law. No new facilities or modification to any existing facilities at the Cameron LNG Terminal are required in order for Eni USA Gas Marketing to export LNG from that facility.

CX-009797.pdf (267.84 KB)