CX-009065: Categorical Exclusion Determination

Installation of Sentinel Wells ASB011B/011C for A-2 Air Stripper Shutdown CX(s) Applied: B3.1 Date: 07/24/2012 Location(s): South Carolina Offices(s): Savannah River Operations Office

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

July 24, 2012
minute read time
Installation of Sentinel Wells ASB011B/011C for A-2 Air Stripper Shutdown
CX(s) Applied: B3.1
Date: 07/24/2012
Location(s): South Carolina
Offices(s): Savannah River Operations Office

Two new monitoring wells (ASB0011B and ASB0011C) will be installed southeast of Recovery Well RWM 13 in a non-developed area. The wells will be screened in the upper Lost Lake Aquifer zone (ULLAZ) and the lower Lost Lake Aquifer zone (LLLAZ) to help monitor the shutdown conditions of the A-2 Air Stripper under a Temporary Authorization (TA) from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC).