CX-007377: Categorical Exclusion Determination

Solar Upconversion with Plasmon-Enhanced Bimolecular Complexes CX(s) Applied: B3.6 Date: 10/26/2011 Location(s): California Offices(s): Golden Field Office

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

October 26, 2011
minute read time
Solar Upconversion with Plasmon-Enhanced Bimolecular Complexes
CX(s) Applied: B3.6
Date: 10/26/2011
Location(s): California
Offices(s): Golden Field Office

DOE is proposing to provide federal funding to Stanford University to develop an efficient upconverting material for commercial photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. The upconverting material converts lower energy photons, normally transmitted by solar cells, into higher energy photons that can be absorbed by the cell. DOE funding would be used to support the salary of the Principle Investigator (PI) as well as graduate student tuition and salary.