Ashe-Marion #2 Spacer Replacements CX(s) Applied: B1.3 Date: 11/29/2011 Location(s): Oregon, Oregon, Washington, Oregon, Oregon Offices(s): Bonneville Power Administration
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
November 29, 2011Ashe-Marion #2 Spacer Replacements
CX(s) Applied: B1.3
Date: 11/29/2011
Location(s): Oregon, Oregon, Washington, Oregon, Oregon
Offices(s): Bonneville Power Administration
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is proposing to replace worn spacers along 69 miles of the Ashe-Marion No. 2 500-kilovolt Double Circuit Transmission Line (Structures 1/1 to 69/1). Work would be conducted on energized lines using live-line and bare-hand techniques as well as standard techniques requiring an outage. Spacers, which are located at various points along the conductor between transmission line towers, would be accessed using manned aerial line carts placed on the conductor either by a specialized heavily insulated line truck (178’ Bronto), a standard line truck, or helicopter. Once the carts are placed on the conductor crews access the carts to perform the work. New spacers would be delivered to the carts by helicopter or boom of the line truck. Once the old spacers are changed, they would be transported to a pickup area before being sent to a recycling center. The majority of the work would be above ground with minimal support from vehicles and crews on the ground. All vehicles would remain on existing access roads and no ground disturbing activities are anticipated during this project.
CX(s) Applied: B1.3
Date: 11/29/2011
Location(s): Oregon, Oregon, Washington, Oregon, Oregon
Offices(s): Bonneville Power Administration
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is proposing to replace worn spacers along 69 miles of the Ashe-Marion No. 2 500-kilovolt Double Circuit Transmission Line (Structures 1/1 to 69/1). Work would be conducted on energized lines using live-line and bare-hand techniques as well as standard techniques requiring an outage. Spacers, which are located at various points along the conductor between transmission line towers, would be accessed using manned aerial line carts placed on the conductor either by a specialized heavily insulated line truck (178’ Bronto), a standard line truck, or helicopter. Once the carts are placed on the conductor crews access the carts to perform the work. New spacers would be delivered to the carts by helicopter or boom of the line truck. Once the old spacers are changed, they would be transported to a pickup area before being sent to a recycling center. The majority of the work would be above ground with minimal support from vehicles and crews on the ground. All vehicles would remain on existing access roads and no ground disturbing activities are anticipated during this project.