CX-007354: Categorical Exclusion Determination

Integration of the Farm Power Tillamook Generating Facility CX(s) Applied: B1.7 Date: 12/02/2011 Location(s): Oregon Offices(s): Bonneville Power Administration

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

December 2, 2011
minute read time
Integration of the Farm Power Tillamook Generating Facility
CX(s) Applied: B1.7
Date: 12/02/2011
Location(s): Oregon
Offices(s): Bonneville Power Administration

In response to Farm Power Tillamook’s small generator interconnection request, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is planning to integrate their 0.995-megawatt biomass generation project into its balancing authority (BA). The proposed point of interconnection is at the Wilson River Substation owned by Tillamook Public Utility District. In order to integrate the proposed generation, BPA would install, test, calibrate, and energize a BPA JEMSTAR meter for revenue metering at Farm Power Tillamook’s generation site. The meter and associated equipment would be owned and maintained by BPA. Telecommunication and transformers needed in association with the meter would be provided, installed, and maintained by Farm Power Tillamook and Tillamook Public Utility District, respectively.