Program Update: 1st Quarter 2022

January - March 2022 Program Update newsletter

Office of Legacy Management

March 31, 2022
minute read time
  1. Legacy Management Addresses Educational and Career Equity in Cibola County, New Mexico, by Introducing STEM with LM
  2. Collaboration with University Students Helps with Remedial Efforts at LM Site
  3. Navajo Nation STEM-sation Events Impact Students Both Virtually and In Person
  4. Multi-use Window Rock Office Provides Partner Agencies
  5. Access to LM in Centralized Location
  6. B & T Metals: The African American-Owned Company that Played a Key Role in the Manhattan Project
  7. This Black History Month, Melinda Downing Celebrates and Reflects on 50 Years at DOE
  8. EPA Celebrates Weldon Spring Site on Beneficial Reuse in New Case Study
  9. Annual Historical Summary Highlights LM’s Work, Accomplishments
  10. Recognizing Excellence: LM honors U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Commitment to FUSRAP
  11. LM wins DOE’s GreenSpace Award for Purchasing Environmentally Preferable Products
  12. LM Launches Campaign to Address Abandoned Uranium Mines on Tribal Lands
  13. LM Gets Community Involved During Shiprock Baseline Aerial Survey
  14. Amid Ongoing Pandemic, LM Supports Remediation Projects Abroad
  15. LM Staff Engages With Students at STEM Events in Grand Junction
  16. Preservation and Perseverance: LM’s David Von Behren Believes in Both
  17. Tiffany Drake is LM’s Newest Advocate for Equity in STEM Education
  18. New Employee Bios