Financing and Investing in Tribal Renewable Energy Projects

Presentations from the Tribal Leader Energy Forum on Financing and Investing in Tribal Energy Projects in San Diego, CA.

Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs

May 14, 2014
minute read time

May 14, 2043
San Diego, California
U.S. GRANT Hotel

The Office of Indian Energy Tribal Leader Energy Forum on "Financing and Investing in Tribal Renewable Energy Projects" was held May 14, 2014, in San Diego, California. The forum provided information on financing tribal renewable energy projects, highlighted opportunities to invest in tribal-owned renewable energy projects, and explored the option of seeking outside investors to finance projects.

This is one in a series of Office of Indian Energy-sponsored strategic energy development and investment Tribal Leader Energy Forums. The DOE Office of Indian Energy Tribal Leader Energy Forum series is supported by the National Conference of State Legislatures through a cooperative agreement.

Download the agenda and available presentations: