
DOE Announces Contract Selections for Intertribal Organizations To Improve Communication and Engagement for Tribal Energy Funding and Resources

$3.6 Million Pilot To Increase Access to DOE Funding and Technical Assistance for Tribes

Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs

January 8, 2025
minute read time

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced contract selections for a pilot to increase collaboration with five non-profit regional intertribal organizations. The "Intertribal Organization Opportunity: Support for Tribal Clean Energy Communication and Engagement" funding opportunity is focused on enhancing outreach and engagement to improve federally recognized Tribes’ navigation and access to DOE energy funding and technical assistance.  

The funding will support communication, internal organizational capacity-building, and engagement activities with the goal of building long-lasting effective working relationships between Tribal elected leaders and staff, and DOE. Funding will be awarded pending contract negotiations. 

"We are excited to partner with the selected intertribal organizations," said Office of Indian Energy Director Wahleah Johns. "This opportunity will build capacity for Tribes, as well as be a conduit that will strengthen coordination between Tribal leaders and DOE."

The following organizations were selected: 

  • Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI): ATNI will build upon existing relationships to develop a curriculum and strategic approach for educating Tribes about planning and execution of energy projects. ATNI will improve communication channels, as well as provide access to a Tribal liaison who can assess each Tribes’ strategic energy goals and connect them with relevant trainings, contractors, and funding sources.
  • Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan (ITCM): ITCM will support member Tribes in identifying staff to lead their energy initiatives; increasing awareness of and pursuing DOE and other funding or technical assistance opportunities; and learning about best practices in deploying clean energy from government officials and other experts. ITCM will help Tribes assess their current community energy profiles and develop strategic energy plans, while collaborating with ITCM to design and implement joint state-wide energy initiatives.
  • United South & Eastern Tribes (USET): USET will create a Tribal energy navigator program that will coordinate partnerships between USET's 33 Tribal Nations and DOE. USET will engage members, develop materials focused on resource sharing and accessibility, and coordinate opportunities for in-person collaboration between Tribal leaders, Tribal staff, and DOE representatives at events throughout the year.
  • Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC): TCC will track and share DOE opportunities with member Tribes through newsletters and opportunity assessments; assist Tribes in identifying and developing energy projects; recruit Tribal Energy Champions; and organize workshops. Expected outcomes include reduction in energy cost, expanded energy project development, and strengthened Tribal collaboration and knowledge in energy management.
  • Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC): ATNHC engagement teams will focus on conducting outreach, creating a newsletter on funding opportunities and project development best practices, and creating energy action plans for Tribes. ANTHC will also collaborate with other programs to lead workshops to provide training on energy project development.

This funding opportunity is managed by ENERGYWERX in partnership with DOE, a collaboration made possible with a Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) through DOE's Office of Technology Transitions. This agreement enables ENERGYWERX to broaden DOE’s engagement with innovative organizations and non-traditional partners, facilitating the rapid development, scaling, and deployment of energy solutions.

DOE funds a wide variety of projects to support Tribes in realizing their energy visions. From 2010 through 2024, DOE's Office of Indian Energy has invested over $190 million in more than 240 Tribal energy projects implemented across the contiguous 48 states and in Alaska. These projects, valued collectively at over $300 million, are leveraged by more than $125 million in recipient cost-share. Find information about current funding opportunities and learn more on the DOE Office of Indian Energy website.