Grid Deployment Office

Tranmission tower viiew from inside.

The Grid Deployment Office (GDO) works to catalyze the development of new and upgraded electric infrastructure across the country by maintaining and investing in critical generation facilities; developing and upgrading high-capacity electric transmission lines nationwide; and deploying transmission and distribution infrastructure and technologies. GDO acts as a partner with states, Tribes, territories, industry, communities, and other energy sector stakeholders to deploy solutions to lower energy costs and improve grid reliability and resilience.

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Transmission lines in a forested area through mountains.

A modern, resilient electric grid helps reliably power our daily lives. In overseeing more than $22 billion in federal funding, GDO supports critical power generation and works to transform electricity transmission and distribution to move power where it needs to go, make energy more affordable, and prevent outages for the American public. We strive to work in strong partnership with those across the U.S. to improve the electric grid, which is the backbone of the Nation’s economic, energy, and national security infrastructure. 

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Grid Deployment Office

1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington DC 20585

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