
Two-Year Progress Update

Dec. 19, 2024

GDO accomplishments with icons for funding, selections, and communitites receiving funding.
  • In the two years since its creation, GDO has announced $14.5 billion in competitive funding selections and formula grants to advance a more affordable, reliable, and resilient grid. This includes:

    • $7.6 billion through the Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program in funding for 104 selected projects in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. 
    • Nearly $2.5 billion in capacity contract commitments to seven large-scale, interstate transmission projects through the Transmission Facilitation Program (TFP).
    • ⁠$1.1 billion through the Civil Nuclear Credit (CNC) Program to the Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
    • $1.3 billion in grid resilience formula grant awards to 49 states, 254 tribes, 5 territories, and the District of Columbia.
    • $371 million for 20 projects in 16 states through the Transmission Siting and Economic Development (TSED) Grants Program.
    • $586 million to 444 hydroelectric projects through Hydroelectric Production Incentives (Section 242), Hydroelectric Efficiency Incentives (Section 243), and Maintaining and Enhancing Hydroelectric Incentives (Section 247).

    In addition to Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act investments, GDO has also announced competitive selections including:

    • $919 million through the Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund (PR-ERF) to reduce power outages for vulnerable residents in Puerto Rico. 
    • $20.6 million through two rounds of the Wholesale Electricity Markets Engagements and Studies (WEMSE) program to 12 projects to improve state and regional engagement in wholesale electricity markets.
  • Transmission added, Gigawatts enabled 

    • Across GDO programs, DOE investments are supporting the development of 4,375+ of new and upgraded transmission lines by 2031; 11 times the total number of miles developed nation-wide in 2021. This includes 7 transmission development projects that otherwise would not be funded. The projects will add more than 67 GW of grid capacity and much of this capacity will support the growth of low-cost energy. 

    Boosting states, tribes, and territories grid resilience

    • In 2024, GDO obligated more than $5.4 billion in grid improvement grants and competitive awards to strengthen and expand the nation’s grid, including all 50 states, 264 tribes, 5 territories, and the District of Columbia. Leveraging every dollar available, GDO’s awards will help bring increased grid resilience, reliability, and affordability to homes and businesses across the country. 

    Improving Federal permitting 

    • GDO’s Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorizations and Permits (CITAP) program is cutting current Federal transmission permitting times in half, as well as strengthening community engagement and upholding environmental integrity. Had CITAP been in place from 2010 through 2020, it would have saved approximately 66 years in federal permitting time
  • GDO has made 1,121 selections for funding. 

  • GDO has funded projects benefitting 50 states, 5 territories (Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), 264 tribes, and the District of Columbia.  

  • Combined with private investment and cost matching, GDO has catalyzed a total investment of more than $36.9 billion to increase grid resilience, reliability, and affordability across the country. 

  • GDO leadership and staff have participated in nearly 220 public engagements across the country.

  • GDO has also:

    • Released the National Transmission Needs Study, DOE’s triennial state-of-the-grid report.
    • Released the final National Transmission Planning (NTP) Study, a set of long-term planning tools and analyses that examine a wide range of potential future scenarios through 2050 to identify pathways to maintain grid reliability, increase resilience, and reduce costs.
    • Finalized the federal rule to establish the Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorizations and Permits (CITAP) Program.
    • Finalized a new, four-phase National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (NIETC) designation process and announced a preliminary list potential NIETCs.
    • Convened decisionmakers and stakeholders on the Atlantic and West Coasts to inform the development of recommendations for addressing near-, medium-, and long-term offshore wind transmission challenges.
      • Following Atlantic Coast Offshore Wind Convenings, GDO published an Atlantic Coast Action Plan for Offshore Wind.

GDO Milestones

Below is a chronological compilation of major GDO milestones from the past year. To stay up to date on our latest news, progress, success stories, and more, subscribe to GDO's mailing lists. Our lists allow you to customize your alerts based on your interests and ensure that the newest GDO updates will be delivered straight to your inbox throughout the year.

    • December 16 – Released a list of three potential National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs) moving to the third phase of the designation process in a continued effort to expedite the build out of a resilient and reliable electric grid.   
    • December 12 – Announced up to $365 million for four Puerto-Rico-based teams to install solar and battery storage systems under its new Programa de Comunidades Resilientes, funded by DOE’s Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund (PR-ERF). This investment aims to improve community-level energy resilience for vulnerable populations across Puerto Rico, funding solar and battery storage installations for community healthcare facilities as well as common areas within public housing and privately owned subsidized multi-family properties. 
    • November 20 – Announced up to a total of just under $10 million for six projects to improve state and regional engagement in wholesale electricity markets. Funded through the Wholesale Electricity Market Studies and Engagement (WEMSE) Program, the six projects will help facilitate the improvement or creation of more efficient and flexible wholesale markets, which will be essential to ensure grid resilience and reliability as new loads and generation come online.
    • October 25 – Announced that 49 states, 5 territories, 254 Tribal Nations, and the District of Columbia have received a combined total of $473.6 million in fiscal year (FY) 2024 Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants to modernize the electric grid to reduce the impacts of extreme weather events while also ensuring the reliability of the power sector.
    • October 18 – Invested nearly $2 billion in 38 projects through the Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program. The projects will deploy new, innovative transmission and distribution infrastructure and technology upgrades to enable over 7.5 gigawatts (GW) of grid capacity, speed up interconnection for new clean energy projects, support nearly 6,000 good-paying jobs, and catalyze over $4.2 billion in total public and private investment to bring reliable, affordable, clean energy to Americans. 
    • October 9 – Selected 39 hydropower facilities throughout the country to receive more than $12 million in incentive payments in Hydroelectricity Production Incentives for electricity generated and sold in calendar year 2023. 
    • October 3 – Invested $1.5 billion in four transmission projects through the Transmission Facilitation Program that will enable nearly 1,000 miles of new transmission development and 7,100 MW of new capacity throughout Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, while creating nearly 9,000 good-paying jobs. GDO also released the final National Transmission Planning (NTP) Study, a set of long-term planning tools and analyses that examine a wide range of potential future scenarios through 2050 to identify pathways to maintain grid reliability, increase resilience, and reduce costs, while meeting local, regional, interregional, and national interests and supporting the changing energy landscape.
    • September 5 – Selected 293 hydroelectric improvement projects across 33 states that will receive up to $430 million in incentive payments to upgrade hydropower facilities. With grants from the Maintaining and Enhancing Hydroelectricity Incentives program, these projects will enhance dam safety, improve grid resilience at 215 facilities, and protect 6,000 existing jobs at hydropower facilities as well as contractors and vendors. 
    • August 28 – Opened a $325 million funding opportunity for the new Programa de Comunidades Resilientes, funded by a second tranche of DOE’s Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund (PR-ERF), to improve community-level energy resilience for vulnerable populations across Puerto Rico by funding solar and battery storage installations for community healthcare facilities as well as community centers and other common areas within public housing and privately owned subsidized multi-family properties. 
    • August 21 – In conjunction with the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, announced the 2024 class of the Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship (CEIF), which placed fellows at 68 critical energy organizations across 38 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Selected Host Institutions included 26 state energy offices, 13 municipal utilities, 12 state utility commissions, 10 Tribal entities, 6 electric cooperatives, and 1 grid operator.
    • August 6 – Invested $2.2 billion in eight projects across 18 states to protect against growing threats of extreme weather events, lower costs for communities, and catalyze additional grid capacity to meet load growth stemming from an increase in manufacturing and data centers. These Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program projects will catalyze nearly $10 billion in total public and private investment while adding nearly 13 gigawatts (GW) of grid capacity—including 4,800 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind— and allowing more clean power to reach customers across the country. 
    • July 24 – Selected 20 projects across 16 states to receive up to $371 million to accelerate the permitting of high-voltage, interstate transmission projects. These projects, funded through Transmission Siting and Economic Development (TSED) grants will also support community infrastructure projects along major new and upgraded transmissions lines, including upgrading public school buildings and emergency response facilities. 
    • May 31 – Launched the CITAP online portal, part of the Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorizations and Permits (CITAP) Program that was established by a new Federal permitting reform rule that aims to significantly streamline Federal environmental review and permitting processes for qualifying transmission projects, cutting review timelines while maintaining the integrity of the environmental review process. The portal acts as a one-stop-shop for qualified transmission developers to track the status of their application, submit materials, and facilitate communication with DOE and other federal agencies. 
    • May 8 – Released a preliminary list of 10 potential National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs) to accelerate the development of transmission projects in areas that present an urgent need for expanded transmission and announced minimum eligibility criteria for direct loans under the Transmission Facility Financing (TFF) Program.
    • April 25 – Issued a final transmission permitting reform rule to establish the Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorizations and Permits (CITAP) Program which will consolidate Federal environmental reviews and authorizations to a standard two-year schedule whiles ensuring meaningful engagement; and announced a new commitment for up to $331 million through the Transmission Facilitation Program aimed at adding more than 2,000 megawatts (MW) of additional grid capacity throughout the Western United States – the equivalent to powering 2.5 million homes and creating more than 300 new, high quality and union construction jobs. 
    • April 16 –  Released Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Innovative Grid Deployment, the tenth installment in the Liftoff series, focused on unleashing the potential of advanced grid solutions. The report demonstrates how commercially available advanced grid solutions—such as advanced conductors, dynamic line rating, and energy storage—can cost effectively increase the existing grid’s capacity to support upwards of 20–100 GW peak demand growth.
    • April 11 – Announced up to a total of $10.6 million for six projects to improve state and regional engagement in wholesale electricity markets through the Wholesale Electricity Market Studies and Engagement (WEMSE) Program.
    • March 21  – Released the Atlantic Offshore Wind Transmission Action Plan, which outlines immediate actions needed to connect the first generation of Atlantic offshore wind projects to the electric grid, as well as longer-term efforts to increase transmission over the next several decades.
    • February 7 – Together with Federal Emergency Management Agency, released a summary report for the Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transitions to 100% Renewable Energy Study (PR100), a two year study that concluded that Puerto Rico can successfully meet its projected electricity needs with 100% renewable energy by 2050.
    • February 2 – Selected 46 hydroelectric projects across 19 states to receive up to $71.5 million in Hydroelectric Efficiency Improvement Incentive payments to increase the generation efficiency of the Nation’s existing hydropower fleet.
    • January 17 – Signed the credit award and payment agreement with Pacific Gas and Electric Company to finalize terms for $1.1 billion in credit payments via the Civil Nuclear Credit (CNC) Program for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, located near Avila Beach, California.
    • December 14 – Announced GDO’s intent to open the next round of Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants in January 2024. Supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and administered by GDO, these grants help modernize the electric grid to reduce the impacts of climate-driven extreme weather and natural disasters while also ensuring the reliability of the power sector. This next round of grants will focus on fiscal year 2024 allocations.
    • November 29 - Selected community groups and nonprofits to receive up to $13.85 million through the Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund (PR-ERF) to help vulnerable households in Puerto Rico obtain residential solar and battery storage installations and provide residents with education and consumer protection services. Also selected 16 community organizations to take part in the PR-ERF's $3.85 million Solar Ambassador Prize and assist in identifying, engaging, and assisting with intake processing of qualifying households for solar panel and battery storage installations.
    • November 14 - Opened the $3.9 billion second funding opportunity under the Grid Resilience Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program to focus on projects that will improve electric transmission by increasing funding and advancing interconnection processes for faster build out of energy projects, create comprehensive solutions that link grid communications systems and operations to increase resilience and reduce power outages and threats, and deploy advanced technologies such as distributed energy resources and battery systems to provide essential grid services.
    • November 2 - Unveiled solar companies and nonprofits selected to receive up to $440 million through the PR-ERF to install rooftop solar and battery storage systems for vulnerable communities in Puerto Rico, helping to lower energy bills and improve energy resilience for up to 40,000 single-family households.
    • October 30 - Committed $1.3 billion in capacity contracts through the Transmission Facilitation Program to three transmission lines that will add 3.5 gigawatts (GW) of additional grid capacity while crossing six states. At the same time, released the final National Transmission Needs Study to provide insight into where the grid would benefit from increased transmission.
    • October 18 - Invested $3.46 billion through the GRIP Program in 58 projects across 44 states that will bring more than 35 GW of new renewable energy online, invest in 400 microgrids, and maintain and create good-paying union jobs with three out of four projects partnering with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
    • October 12 - Matched 29 Clean Energy Innovator Fellows, including recent graduates and early career energy professionals, with critical energy organizations across 17 states, as well as D.C., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, to provide on-the-job training and professional development opportunities in a wide range of topics including clean energy integration, expanding electric vehicle charging, Tribal energy sovereignty, distribution-level grid services, and grid resilience and energy planning.
    • October 11 - Provided almost $37 million in Hydroelectric Production Incentive payments for electricity generated and sold to 66 hydro facilities throughout the country.
    • September 29 - Announced a $9 million investment to improve state and regional participation in wholesale electricity markets by providing technical and financial assistance through the Wholesale Electricity Market Studies and Engagement Program to develop, expand, and improve wholesale electricity markets, enabling states to provide critical insight into market design, expansion, and improvement activities, including interregional transmission infrastructure development.
    • September 28 – Awarded more than $750 million in fiscal year (FY) 2022 and 2023 Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants to 48 states, 49 tribal entities, three territories, and the District of Columbia to strengthen and modernize America’s power grid against wildfires, extreme weather, and other natural disasters that are exacerbated by the climate crisis. 
    • September 19 - Following a series of convening workshops held from April 2022 to March 2023, released An Action Plan for Offshore Wind Transmission Development in the U.S. Atlantic Region, that outlines immediate actions needed to connect the first generation of Atlantic offshore wind projects onto the electric grid, and longer-term efforts to support needed transmission over the next several decades and announced the launch of the Tribal Nation Technical Assistance Program for Offshore Wind Transmission offering education and training resources to support engagement in offshore wind planning and created in direct response to tribal input.
    • August 29 - Launched the first funding opportunity of the Transmission Siting and Economic Development (TSED) Grants program, a $760 million investment through the Inflation Reduction Act to support states and local communities in the siting and permitting of interstate and offshore electricity transmission lines. The first funding opportunity will award up to $300 million across the nation.
    • May 8 - Began accepting applications for $554 million in Maintaining and Enhancing Hydroelectricity Incentives to maintain and enhance hydroelectric facilities, ensuring generators continue to provide clean, affordable electricity, while integrating additional renewable energy resources and reduce environmental impacts.
    • March 22 - Announced over $200 million in hydroelectric incentives, including $125 million in Hydroelectric Production Incentives for qualified hydroelectric facilities for electricity generated and sold in calendar years 2021 and 2022 and $75 million in Hydroelectric Efficiency Improvement Incentives to enable the implementation of capital improvements to boost efficiency. 
    • March 2 - Released application guidance for the second award cycle of the Civil Nuclear Credit Program, a $6 billion investment made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to prevent the premature retirement of nuclear reactors across the country.
    • February 20 – Announced the formation of the $1 billion PR-ERF and issued a Request for Information to gather feedback from stakeholders in Puerto Rico on how to allocate the funds. Established by the Fiscal Year 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act, the PR-ERF seeks to drive key investments in renewable and resilient energy infrastructure in Puerto Rico. 
    • January 23 – In conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), released a one-year progress report for the Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transition to 100% Renewable (PR100) Study. PR100, which launched in February 2022 with funding from FEMA, is a two-year study designed to help inform infrastructure investments that will provide Puerto Rico with clean, reliable, and affordable power. The study aims to generate community-driven pathways to meet Puerto Rico’s target of 100% renewable electricity by 2050 and improving the resilience of the power system against future extreme weather events. 
    • January 13 – Formally launched the TSED Grants program, a $760 million investment through the Inflation Reduction Act to support states and local communities in the siting and permitting of interstate and offshore electricity transmission. As a first step in program development, DOE issued a Request for Information on grant provision, possible tools and resources to reduce time for siting authorities to make decisions, and opportunities to increase community engagement.
    • November 21 – Selected Diablo Canyon near Avila Beach, California to receive a conditional award of up to $1.1 billion from the first round Civil Nuclear Credit program.
    • November 18 – Opened the application period for the Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnership programs, a $10.5 billion effort to enhance grid flexibility and improve the resilience of the power system against growing threats of extreme weather and climate change. GRIP includes three program. 
    • November 18 – Opened the application period for the $2.5 billion Transmission Facilitation Program, an innovative revolving fund to help overcome the financial hurdles facing large-scale new transmission lines, upgrades of existing transmission lines. 
    • November 2 – Selected Agustín Carbó to serve as the Director for the new Puerto Rico Grid Modernization and Recovery Team (PR Grid Modernization Team) that supports Puerto Rico in rebuilding an electricity grid that is more resilient, more secure, and capable of supporting 100% clean electricity by 2050.
    • September 9 – Announced a distribution of $13.5 million in incentive payments to 55 hydroelectric facilities through the Hydroelectric Production Incentive Program which supports hydropower development by providing funding for electricity generated and sold from dams and other water infrastructure throughout the United States that add or expand hydroelectric power generating capabilities.
    • August 30 – Launched the BIL-supported Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnership (GRIP) Program to enhance grid flexibility and improve the resilience of the power system against growing threats of extreme weather and climate change.
    • August 10 – Opened the new Grid Deployment Office to provide electricity to everyone, everywhere by maintaining and investing in critical generation facilities to ensure resource adequacy and improving and expanding transmission and distribution systems.
    • July 21 – Held a Six-Month Progress Update Webinar for the Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transition to 100% Renewable Energy Study (PR100), a community-driven and locally tailored roadmap to help Puerto Rico meet its target of 100% renewable electricity, improve power sector resiliency, and increase access to more affordable energy and cleaner air.
    • July 6 – Opened the application period for States, Tribal nations, and territories to apply for the $2.3 billion Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants designed to strengthen and modernize America’s power grid against wildfires, extreme weather, and other natural disasters exacerbated by the climate crisis.
    • June 30 – Kicked off the nearly $630 million in investments in Hydroelectric Incentives to modernize the nation’s hydropower facilities and produce more clean, affordable power. The funding will cover capital improvement projects that will make hydropower facilities more energy efficient and resilient.
    • June 28 – Held the first in a series of stakeholder convenings focusing on Atlantic Offshore Wind Transmission to collect input and collaborate on strategies to enable the development of sustainable and equitable offshore wind transmission that minimizes impacts to ocean co-users and marine environments and creates benefits for coastal and underserved communities, and the Nation as a whole.
    • May 10 – Launched the BIL-supported Transmission Facilitation Program, an innovative revolving fund program that will provide Federal support to overcome the financial hurdles to large-scale new transmission lines and upgrade existing transmission as well as the connection of microgrids in select States and U.S. territories.
    • February 11 – Established the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s $6 billion Civil Nuclear Credit Program to support the continued operation of U.S. nuclear reactors to help avoid premature retirements of nuclear reactors across the country.
    • February 2 – Initiated a new effort to accelerate work to strengthen Puerto Rico’s grid resilience and advance new initiatives with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Homeland Security (DHS) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
    • January 12 – Launched the Building a Better Grid Initiative to catalyze the nationwide development of new and upgraded high-capacity electric transmission lines.