Purchasing Energy-Efficient Small Commercial Boilers

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The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) provides acquisition guidance for small commercial boilers, a product category covered by ENERGY STAR efficiency requirements.

FEMP's acquisition guidance and efficiency requirements apply to commercial packaged boilers with a rated capacity at full load rated input of at least 300,000 British thermal unit per hours (Btu/hr) and hot water supply packaged boilers with an input rating from 300,000 Btu/hr to 2,500,000 Btu/hr and of at least 4,000 Btu/hr per gallon of stored water. Large commercial boilers with a capacity greater than 2,500,000 Btu/hr are covered by the FEMP program.

This acquisition guidance was updated in September 2024.

Find Energy Efficiency Requirements

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides efficiency levels and product specification information for small commercial boilers on its ENERGY STAR website. Manufacturers meeting these requirements are allowed to display the ENERGY STAR label on complying models. Federal buyers can use ENERGY STAR's list of certified small commercial boilers to identify or verify complying models.

With the Clean Energy Rule finalized in Spring 2024, federal agencies must significantly reduce the use of on-site fossil fuels in new and majorly renovated facilities used for federal purposes. From FY 2025 to FY 2029, federal entities must reduce the use of fossil fuels by 90% in facilities that are newly constructed or undergoing major renovation (exceeding a total cost threshold of $3.8 million in 2024 dollars for federally owned buildings). To comply, contracting officers should avoid purchases of commercial fossil fuel-fired boilers. Federal buyers are encouraged to consult the Clean Energy Rule webpage for further guidance. If no technically practicable alternative to a fossil-fueled product can be found that meets the mission requirements of the agency, an agency may obtain guidance, or request technical assistance, or petition for downward adjustment of the fossil fuel reduction target from FEMP by contacting the Clean Energy Rule team.

Make a Cost-Effective Purchase: Save $19,240 or More by Buying ENERGY STAR

FEMP has calculated that the required ENERGY STAR-qualified small gas-fired commercial boilers save money if priced no more than $19,240 (in 2022 dollars) above the less efficient model. The best available small commercial boiler model saves up to $23,727. Table 1 compares three types of small commercial boiler purchases and calculates the lifetime cost savings of purchasing efficient models. Federal purchasers can assume products that meet ENERGY STAR efficiency requirements are life cycle cost-effective.

Table 1. Lifetime Savings for Small Commercial Boilers
PerformanceBest AvailableENERGY STARLess Efficient
Thermal Efficiency (%)989480
Annual Energy Use7,653 therms7,979 therms9,375 therms
Annual Energy Cost$6,491$6,768$7,952
Lifetime Energy Cost$105,454$109,941$129,181
Lifetime Cost Savings$23,727$19,240======


  • Performance Column

    Annual Energy Use: 1,500 full-load hours per year, for 25 years.

    Annual Energy Cost: Calculated based on an assumed natural gas price of 8.48¢ per therm, which is the average price at federal facilities in the United States (Site-Delivered Energy Use by End-Use Sector and Energy Type in Fiscal Year 2021 and adjusted to 2022 dollars using Office of Management and Budget Historical Table 10.1—Gross Domestic Product [Chained] Price Index).

    Lifetime Energy Cost: Future utility price trends and a 3% discount rate are from the Energy Price Indices and Discount Factors for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis – 2024: Annual Supplement to NIST Handbook 135 and NBS Special Publication 709 (NISTIR 85-3273-39).

    Lifetime Energy Cost Savings: The difference between the lifetime energy cost of the less efficient model and the lifetime energy cost of the required model or best available model.

    Best Available Model Column

    Calculated based on the September 2024 ENERGY STAR-Qualified Products List. More efficient models may be introduced to the market after FEMP's acquisition guidance is posted.

    ENERGY STAR Model Column

    Calculated based on September 2024 ENERGY STAR efficiency levels. Federal agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed ENERGY STAR efficiency levels.

    Less Efficient Model Column

    Calculated based on typical products used in non-federal applications.

  • An efficient product is cost-effective when the lifetime energy savings (from avoided energy costs over the life of the product, discounted to present value) exceed the additional up-front cost (if any) compared to a less efficient option. FEMP considers up-front costs and lifetime energy savings when setting required efficiency levels. Federal purchasers can assume products that meet FEMP-designated efficiency requirements are life cycle cost-effective. In high-use applications or when energy rates are above the federal average, purchasers may save more if they specify products that exceed FEMP efficiency requirements (e.g., the best available model).

Purchasing Requirements

A gavel on top of a stack of papers.

Federal laws and requirements mandate that agencies purchase ENERGY STAR-qualified products or FEMP-designated products in all product categories covered by these programs and in any acquisition actions that are not specifically exempted by law.

These mandatory requirements apply to all forms of procurement, including construction guide and project specifications; renovation, repair, energy service, and operation and maintenance (O&M) contracts; lease agreements; acquisitions made using purchase cards; and solicitations for offers.

FAR Contract Language

Hands on a keyboard.

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 23.206 requires agencies to insert the clause at FAR section 52.223-15 into contracts and solicitations that deliver, acquire, furnish, or specify energy-consuming products for use in federal government facilities.

To comply with FAR requirements, FEMP recommends that agencies incorporate efficiency requirements into technical specifications, the evaluation criteria of solicitations, and the evaluations of solicitation responses.

  • Agencies may claim an exception to the Clean Energy Rule if no alternative to a fossil-fuel powered product is found that meets the technical needs and mission requirements of the agency. If an agency wishes to obtain further guidance, request technical assistance or petition for downward adjustment on the fossil fuel reduction target from FEMP, they may do so by contacting the Clean Energy Rule team and following the petition process. Contracting officers should still aim to purchase products that meet the ENERGY STAR or FEMP-designated requirements and minimize emissions as much as possible.

    Products meeting ENERGY STAR or FEMP-designated efficiency requirements may not be life cycle cost-effective in certain low-use applications or in locations with very low rates for electricity or natural gas. However, for most applications, purchasers will find that energy-efficient products have the lowest life cycle cost.

    Agencies may claim an exception to federal purchasing requirements through a written finding that no FEMP-designated or ENERGY STAR-qualified product is available to meet functional requirements, or that no such product is life cycle cost-effective for the specific application. Learn more about federal product purchasing requirements.

Federal Supply Sources and Product Codes

The federal supply sources for energy-efficient products are the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provide programs that help federal agencies buy products with positive environmental attributes.

Identification codes for product categories covered by sustainable acquisition requirements are provided by DLA and the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC).

  • Under the Multiple Award Schedule program, GSA issues long-term governmentwide contracts that provide access to commercial products, services, and solutions at pre-negotiated pricing.

    Federal buyers can use the GSA Multiple Award Schedules to find a vendor and pull up their latest price list. Alternatively, buyers can search for a specific product in GSA Advantage! or enter the product in GSA eBuy to get a quote from multiple vendors. Before purchasing a product through one of these channels or a preferred vendor, buyers should make sure the product meets the FEMP or ENERGY STAR efficiency requirements. For solicitations, buyers should include the relevant FAR clause and incorporate energy efficiency into the contract language and evaluation criteria to ensure compliance with the federal purchasing requirements.

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  • DLA offers products through the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia and online through FedMall (formerly DOD EMALL).

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    Products sold through DLA are codified with a 13-digit National Stock Number (NSN) and, in some cases, a two-letter Environmental Attribute Code (ENAC). The ENAC identifies items that have positive environmental characteristics and meet standards set by an approved third party, such as FEMP and ENERGY STAR.

  • USDA's BioPreferred Program was created to increase the purchase and use of biobased products. Federal law, the FAR, and Presidential Executive Orders direct that all federal agencies and their contractors purchase biobased products in categories identified by USDA. 

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  • EPA offers several resources for choosing which products to buy. The Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program helps federal government purchasers utilize private sector standards and ecolabels to identify and procure environmentally preferable products and services.

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  • UNSPSC is a worldwide classification system for e-commerce. It contains more than 50,000 commodities, including many used in the federal sector, each with a unique eight-digit, four-level identification code. Manufacturers and vendors are beginning to adopt the UNSPSC classification convention and electronic procurement systems are beginning to include UNSPSC tracking in their software packages. UNSPSCs can help the federal acquisition community identify product categories covered by sustainable acquisition requirements, track purchases of products within those categories, and report on progress toward meeting sustainable acquisition goals. 

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Small Commercial Boilers Schedules and Product Codes

Multiple Award Schedules Industrial Products 333415HVAC33414, and 332510C schedules. 

DLA's ENAC for commercial boilers is "HF."

The UNSPSCs for commercial boilers are 40102001, 40102002, 40102004, 40102005, and 40102007.

Buyer Tips: Make Informed Product Purchases

A boiler system should be capable of meeting the building's peak heating demand and also operate efficiently at part-load conditions. Selecting the right system and properly sizing a boiler requires knowledge of both the peak demand and load profile. If building loads are highly variable, as is common in commercial buildings, designers should consider installing multiple small (modular) boilers in addition to boilers that have modulating burners. In periods of low demand, some of the boilers can be isolated from the other boilers and not incur any standby losses or cycling losses. They can also be automatically staged such that each boiler is running at its most efficient operating point without incurring additional cycling.

For guidance on boiler rightsizing and quality installation, consult the American National Standards Institute/Air Conditioning Contractors of America Standard 5: HVAC Quality Installations Specification (ANSI/ACCA 5 QI 2015).

Federal procurement officers and buyers should consider specifying boilers with the following features:

  • Condensing: Hot water boilers include both condensing and non-condensing varieties. Condensing boilers that are able to extract heat from water vapor in the combustion gases for use in producing hot water are typically more efficient than non-condensing models. There are some tradeoffs to consider along with the efficiency improvements. Condensing boilers must be made of corrosion resistant materials, which can increase their manufacturing cost. Although more expensive, condensing boilers' increased efficiency can significantly reduce energy costs to a point where savings exceeds the cost premium compared to a standard, non-condensing boiler. Hybrid systems are also useful particularly in retrofit applications to integrate new condensing boilers into an existing modular system with conventional boilers.
  • Water temperature reset: Hot water boilers should have the capability for water temperature reset. This is typically based on the outdoor air temperature or the return water temperature. When the heating load is reduced, the supply water is set to a lower temperature.
  • Modulating burners: It is recommended that boilers have the capability to vary their heating output by modulating the burner. Most of the time boilers operate at part load. To prevent excessive cycling and the losses that accompany them, specify boilers that have modulating capability. A minimum turndown ratio of 5:1 is recommended for gas-fired, hot-water boilers. This is particularly important in condensing boilers that run more efficiently at part load.
  • Low mass: Because boilers cycle on and off and it takes time to bring a high-mass boiler up to operating temperature, using low-mass boilers will reduce energy consumption. In addition, some boilers can be brought online quickly, therefore avoiding the need to keep a boiler on hot standby.
  • Remote monitoring capability: Remote monitoring capability is useful to manage boiler operation and to detect any malfunctions in a timely manner.
  • Precise air-fuel ratio control: It is important to keep the air-fuel ratio at optimum levels at part-load operation as well as full-load operation. This is better accomplished by using sensor-driven servos rather than a mechanical linkage (e.g., jack shaft) between the gas input and the blower damper. Oxygen trim systems should be used on larger boilers. Oxygen trim systems monitor the oxygen in the flue gas and adjust the air-fuel ratio for optimum combustion efficiency.
  • Optimum start control: An optimum start control fires up a boiler so that it fires just in time to heat up a building before it is occupied in the morning.
  • Other enhancements: Other options to increase efficiency of the heating system include reusing heat from blow down and return condensate for steam boilers, using electronic ignition devices, and increasing boiler and piping insulation.

Many new energy consuming commercial boilers come equipped with Internet of Things (IoT) sensing components, and network connectivity. Making a new purchase or replacement represents a prime opportunity to evaluate the vulnerabilities of your network. All IoT-enabled devices introduce novel exposures to potential data breaches. Building controls and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems are no exception. Security can almost never be networked in after the fact, and so it is important to ensure that your networked devices are secure. Also, regularly testing for network vulnerabilities is key. For more information on how to build cybersecure networks of building technologies, consult FEMP's Energy and Cybersecurity Integration resources and Cyber-Securing Facility Related Control Systems fact sheet.

User Tips: Use Products More Efficiently

Several diagnostic and maintenance procedures are important to maintain efficient boiler operation. Flue gas temperature monitoring is useful in detecting efficiency and operating problems. Maintaining steady excess air levels (with an oxygen trim sensor) ensures that burners will mix air and fuel properly. Low water levels can damage boilers, so water levels should be checked frequently as part of a regular maintenance program. Water treatment can prolong boiler life as well as increase efficiency. Waterside and fireside surfaces should be cleaned annually.

The Boiler Efficiency Institute provides maintenance and operation manuals for boilers and boiler control systems. To encourage quality operations and maintenance, building engineers can also refer to ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180: Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems. In addition, the FEMP O&M Best Practices Guide, Release 3.0, Chapter 9 provides valuable information on operation and maintenance of boiler systems.


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory provided supporting analysis for this acquisition guidance.