The Federal Energy Management Program's (FEMP) utility team of technical experts support agencies with their utility energy service contract (UESC) projects.
The utility team provides support to federal agencies, including training and technical support, beginning with acquisition planning and throughout project development upon request by agency staff. FEMP also provides project and program assistance to utilities.
For more information on UESC project support, see training, technical assistance, and project facilitators.
Ready to start a UESC project?
To start a UESC project, contact the FEMP utility team or a federal project executive. Read the scope of support document for utility team UESC support services.
FEMP offers regular UESC workshops and webinars, as well as other types of training.
- UESC Workshops and Webinars: Live workshops and webinars are conducted multiple times throughout the year and are open to federal agencies, utilities, energy service companies and other interested parties.
- On-Demand Training: Self-guided courses are available on a range of topics related to UESCs and performance contracting.
- Agency-specific training: Trainings are available upon request to facilitate in-depth discussion about UESCs and address specific agency objectives, policies, and projects. Contact the utility team for more information.
- Utility training: Available upon request to provide guidance for utilities interested in offering a UESC program or already implementing projects for federal customers.
Visit the FEMP Training Catalog for the full list of UESC trainings.
Need more information?
Contact the utility team for information on agency-specific or utility trainings.
Technical Assistance
FEMP's subject matter experts provide direct technical and contracting support to federal agencies implementing UESC projects. In general, support includes acquisition planning assistance, project development consultations, and high-level document reviews to support technical and contracting decisions. The activities and services listed below are examples of assistance offered at no cost, contingent upon FEMP funding and staff availability.
- Share resources, best practices, and examples of successful acquisition planning strategies
- Review documents such as the Acquisition Plan and Justification and Approval
- Provide initial project consultations to address key acquisition planning considerations:
- Initial project scope (requirements, priorities, and objectives)
- Decarbonization opportunities
- Authorizing legislation and federal mandates
- Contracting options (AWC, BOA, separate contract)
- Funding strategies and financing options
- Utility selection
- Sample Justification and Approval (J&A)
- Provide resources to assist development of project documents, including sample agreements and performance assurance plans
- Provide UESC best practices, high-level consultations and reviews related to the following:
- Decarbonization assistance
- Renewable Energy Optimization (REopt) analysis (special request)
- Preliminary Assessment (PA) report
- Investment Grade Audit (IGA) report
- Performance assurance planning (including workshop for project teams)
- Task order language
- Participate in project meetings as requested, for example critical project discussions between the agency and utility
- Review final design
- Review final Performance Assurance Plan
- Review of first annual performance assurance/verification report
- Support discussion if issues arise
Project Facilitators
Project facilitators (PF) are experienced, unbiased advisors who guide the agency acquisition team through the project development and implementation process by providing technical and financial advice. As a best practice, FEMP strongly recommends the engagement of a project facilitator. Learn more about options for acquiring PF services.
Learn More
For more information about no-cost FEMP utility team UESC support services, download the scope of support document.