Federal Energy Management Program Videos

This gallery features videos on the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) website. These videos were produced by FEMP or used with permission by other agencies or organizations.

Tools, publications, and case studies are also available.

The ABCs of ESPC ESAs video poster
Your agency is working hard to meet federal energy goals and mandates, and an energy savings performance contract energy sales agreement (ESPC ESA) can help, even if your agency lacks upfront capital.
Solar microgrid project on Bad River Band property.
Animation simulates grid-connected and islanded energy flows among distributed energy resources at a military base—while connected to the grid, and while islanded during a grid disturbance.
Screenshot from video
The Technical Resilience Navigator is a novel web-based resilience planning tool that uses a risk-informed approach to help users identify site-specific vulnerabilities, hazards, and threats to critical loads.
The façade of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Energy Systems Integration Facility.
This video provides an overview of the Smart Labs process – a set of replicable and scalable procedures to improve the performance of laboratories both in terms of safety and efficiency.
Screenshot of the Inside the FEMP Wheelhouse video.
Video describes the Federal Energy Management Program’s (FEMP) organizational wheelhouse and details the power of partnerships.